These are some of my tools where I think that they are useful for embedded development.
For the moment you will find here a bin file (xbin), file system (xfile) and rename (xname)
xbin is only a simple bin file converter used to add a CRC32 to an existing bin file.
It is possible to calculate the CRC only for the complete input file or for data chunks
in additional. The structure of the output file will look like:
In case the "CRCsize" parameter is set to 0, only one CRC is calculated and stored
in the header for the complete data content. If a value unlike 0 is used for the "CRCsize",
the data content will be divided by the given size and protected by a CRC separately. In
addition a CRC of the complete data content is stored in the header too. The CRC in the
header will be calculated before the split of the data.
xfile is a file system image generator for creating an
image for a read only file system. The file system image will be created from the content
of a folder. The CRC handling is equal like for xbin. A CRC for the complete image or for data
chunks in additional. I will use the "xfile" file system in additional
to the UROM file system of Nut/OS to support the MicroHTTP server. The structure of the output file will look like:
xname is a rename utility. It can be used to add a version information to
the filename. The version information comes from an additional file which can be
part of your development project. It could be any kind of source, like a C source
or header file. The parser for the version information will be controlled by an INI
file (xname.ini). The INI file must be located in the same directory as well the xname
tool. The content of the INI file in case of a C project can look like:
Assuming the version information are located in the "main.c" file and look like:
And the output file by the compiler is "out.bin". Is it now possible to
rename the "out.bin" file with the following command to "out_v104.bin":
xname -o:out.bin -v:main.c
Even it is possible to create a complete new name, e.g. "firmware_v104.bin":
xname -o:out.bin -v:main.c -n:firwmare.bin
xbin2c is an utility to convert a binary file to a c source and header file.
xbin.exe is a command line application:
Here a new file "blinky_out.bin" was created from the input file
"blinky.bin". A "CRCsize" of 512 was selected.
xfile.exe is a command line application too:
Here a new file "xfile.bin" was created from the input folder
xname.exe is a command line application too:
Here the file "out.bin" was renamed using the version information from
"main.c" to "firmware_v104.bin".
xbin2c.exe is a command line application too:
Here the file "test.c" and "test.h" was created from the
input file "test.bin".
xbin-source_20191013 for Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 (15 KB)
xfile-source_20201112 for Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 (776 KB)
xname-source_20230330 for Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 (7 KB)
xbin2c-source_20180324 for Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 (6 KB)
xpk2c-source_20180325 for Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 (28 KB)
xbin-win_20191013 application (26 KB)
md5sum zip file: E7B57919F8B1001F7B43877F4DBFA129
xfile-win_20201112 application (34 KB)
md5sum zip file: 63D13657B25B92F995CD86048281EAC2
xname-win_20230330 application (18 KB)
md5sum zip file: 522C90B67BF4785F8ACB929442DE2803
xbin2c-win_20180324 application (18 KB)
md5sum zip file: B486DAD6EE0DAF33656E22854D9FB4FC
xpk2c-win_20180325 application (43 KB)
md5sum zip file: A1F9C7BA52EA1A12028500A3F4A73BE7